
the workTransforming Linical: How a Global Healthcare CRO Successfully Merged 3 Websites into 1 Powerful Platform



Headquartered in Japan, Linical is an award-winning, globally recognized Contract Research Organization (CRO) that offers a comprehensive range of drug development services. They specialize in conducting Phase I-IV studies in various areas such as oncology, neurology & psychiatry, immunology & vaccine, and endocrinology & metabolic diseases.

Their expertise helps biopharmaceutical companies to successfully navigate the clinical development process, save valuable time and money, and achieve their clinical development goals.


Linical approached us with a complicated digital identity. They had separate websites for different regions, which gave the impression that they were disconnected. This disjointed brand experience confused their clients and employees, who were hoping for a cohesive representation. 

Additionally, their existing websites needed an upgrade to align with their innovative spirit. "Our websites looked like they were from 1995," they remarked, contradicting the forward-thinking and modernity at the core of their operations. 

Linical wanted a digital transformation that perfectly blends everything into a powerful online presence.

The Solution

In response to Linical's goal of having a consistent online presence, we began a massive website design project. Our main focus was to merge the three separate regional websites into one unified global platform. We planned carefully and executed strategically to ensure minimal downtime and uninterrupted access to Linical's valuable services for their worldwide clients.

To match Linical's forward-thinking values, we gave the website an exciting makeover. The new design features an easy-to-use interface, simplified navigation, and responsive layout, making it seamless to browse on any device. This redesign not only looks great but also boosts user engagement and conversion rates.

We also worked on improving Linical's online visibility through strong SEO strategies. By optimizing the site structure, using the right keywords, and building quality backlinks, we laid a solid foundation for ongoing SEO efforts that could increase online exposure and reach.

Messaging strategy was another important part of our solution. We crafted clear and impactful messages that resonate with Linical's audience, capturing their innovative spirit, broad expertise, and unwavering commitment to advancing medical research.

To ensure Linical had full control over their site moving forward, we provided comprehensive HubSpot CMS training. This equipped their team with the skills to manage and update content independently, keeping their website fresh and relevant. This hands-on approach not only makes maintenance easier but also empowers Linical to quickly adapt to changes, ensuring their digital presence evolves alongside their dynamic business environment.

We were initially skeptical about finding the right partner for our website project, but Knowmad exceeded our expectations in every way.

Before working with them, we faced challenges with our website's functionality and appearance. However, Knowmad's flexibility, communication, and commitment to staying within our budget and timeline were remarkable.

They not only delivered a beautiful and professional website but also listened to our needs, providing creative solutions to challenges along the way. Since the project's successful completion, our website has seen increased traffic and leads, and we're excited about the potential for further growth with HubSpot.

We appreciate the leadership and fun Knowmad brought to the project and look forward to continuing our collaboration.

Thank you, Knowmad, for transforming our online presence!
ALI CUNDARI -- Marketing & Corporate Communications at Linical

Their Success

The project led to a totally revamped online presence that truly reflects Linical's global status and innovation-driven mindset. The main accomplishment was successfully merging three separate websites into one cohesive digital platform. This streamlined web presence, available in English and Japanese, now reaches a broader audience, provides a smoother user experience, and visually resonates with the American, European, and Japanese people who encompass the company.

The unified site also presents a more coherent image of Linical's values and vision, fostering a sense of identity and unity among current employees, and acting as a powerful tool for recruitment.

Now, whether users visit Linical's site from Japan or the USA, they encounter one cohesive brand — the global, innovative, and industry-leading Linical.