B2B Marketing Case Studies & Campaign Examples | Knowmad Digital Marketing | Charlotte

450% Traffic Growth & 163% More Leads: Petrochemical Company's SEO & Web Design Win

Written by Knowmad Digital Marketing | Jun 13, 2024 5:35:00 PM

Key Tactics

  • Targeted SEO-focused content creation in collaboration with the technical team
  • Build a diverse and high quality backlink profile

Making it happen...

The first thing we needed was a plan. Knowmad did the research and created a SEO strategy for the website.

We knew the team at the company would play a critical role. No one could write the technical content needed for them. Without an internal team to support this initiative, it would be dead in the water. Luckily, the company was able to recruit a top-notch internal team of subject-matter experts (SMEs) that were excited to join the initiative.

Once the strategy was set and the team was in place, our job was to provide guidance on execution, editorial services and technical support so they could focus on writing. Using the strategy we developed together, the marketing team at the company created additional technical content including expert technical articles and other industry information that was lacking online. 

SEO Campaign Results

Over the course of the campaign, we've so far seen the following improvements.

  • ~450% increase in traffic
  • Conversion rate grew to 1.49%
  • Added over 600 qualified industry prospects to the company CRM
  • SEO strategy was proven out within 6 months and was integrated as a core element of marketing strategy


Blog Performance over Time

The articles added to the website generate ~44% of all new users and ~42% of all website sessions for the measured time period, meaning the blog is doing some heavy lifting in regards to attracting new people to the website and creating exposure for the company. 

 Lead Generation

As traffic grew, so did the leads. In the first four months of our work together, the company averaged 8 new leads/month. Over the next 17 months, that number grew to 14 new leads/month.

Leads from Organic traffic

At this point we had seen traffic and leads both steadily grow. The company recognized that their website would be a key part of their continued success and growth, so they decided to reinvest into it. We redesigned their website and launched it at the end of of July '18. 

Since launch, they have averaged 21 new leads/month solely from Organic Traffic. As you can see below, Organic Traffic drives a majority of their leads, but thanks to our website design team, other traffic sources are seeing an increase in leads too!

Leads from all traffic sources

From when we started our engagement together, the company has seen their new leads from Organic traffic grow from 8/month to 21/month, or 163%!